Our outdoor area has been tidied up and made to feel like summer this week, hopefully it will bring the sun! This week we also enjoyed our first community visit of the new term! The children walked really well and showed off our school values whilst on the visit. 

We have enjoyed completing our dream catchers this week. Last week we drew different pictures on, using our new class topic ‘let’s go camping’, and then did some threading around the edges. And this week we used the threading skills that we practiced last week to put them together to make a lovely dream catcher. All of the children did beautiful pictures and tried super hard with the threading. Some of the other children practiced pushing and pulling fabrics and using bandages to do some threading on the fence in our outdoor area. 

We have done some work on numbers this week, which the children have done super with! Working on longer and shorter, using different things within the classroom. Lots of counting, keeping with the camping theme. 

7P have also worked on our playing skills, taking turns and sharing with our friends. Using our kind words and helping when our friends find things a little tricky. We have all had a turn in the camping sensory tray, finding our faces on the tents was fun. As well as having lots of sensory play in our own outdoor area.

We have explored the outdoor area, taking photos of the things in the outdoors of areas that we could make look better and to tidy up. And then created a picnic basket that we would like to have, cut it out and glued together.