Careers at Astley Park School
Careers Lead KS4 contact details: -
Mrs A Powell 01257 262227
Careers Lead KS3 contact details:
Mrs M Crouch 01257 262227
Aims : -
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (C.E.I.A.G.) at Astley Park School aims to:
Prepare pupils for the transition to life after Astley Park School through curriculum and career learning linked to their individual aspirations, which will help learners make positive decisions for their future, whilst developing a culture of lifelong learning.
Support pupils in making informed decisions that are appropriate for them, learning from information provided, including Labour Market Information.
Provide pupils with well-rounded experiences through a stable careers programme.
Develop personal characteristics such as social skills, communication skills, functional life skills, personal skills, independence and resilience.
Inspire and motivate pupils to develop themselves and their personal qualities as individuals and live as independently as possible.
To provide pupils with the experiences of the workplace through work-related learning and/or employer encounters.
To provide pupils with the opportunity to receive C.E.I.A.G and encounter career opportunities appropriate to their needs.
To set out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer, as per Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.
Gatsby Benchmarks: -
The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework for school leaders, headteachers, and careers advisors to assess the development of their pupils in employability skills. They also help students track their own progress and identify areas in which they need to continue developing their skills.
8 Gatsby Benchmarks:-
A stable careers programme.
Learning from career and labour market information.
Addressing the needs of each pupil.
Linking curriculum learning to careers.
Encounters with employers and employees.
Experiences of workplaces.
Encounters with further and higher education.
Personal guidance.
At Astley Park School, we evaluate against these benchmarks on a termly basis to monitor the effectiveness of our careers programme.
For further information on our curriculums and our C.E.I.A.G policy, please see further links below:
C.E.A.I.G Policy: CEAIG Policy
Our Curriculums: Curriculums ppt.pptx
Our Alumni :-
As part of our National Careers Week activities, we invite some of our ex-pupils back to school to talk to our current cohorts about their career journeys. Please look at some of our Alumni career journeys:
Joe – Public Services
Anna – Retail
Arran – Trade
Matthew – Public Services
Zac – Retail / Sports
College links: -
At Astley Park school we have built solid links to both post-16 specialist and mains- stream providers. During KS4 and using the aspirations of our learners, we actively liaise with these post-16 provisions, to ensure that our young people and their families are signposted to the most suitable destination for their ambitions.
For an idea of foundation learning in a mainstream college, please follow this link: -
Next Steps with Karan Bamber PPT
Following confirmation of placements in year 11, students undertake bespoke transition programmes to enable them to familiarise themselves with their chosen course, the new environment and the teaching staff that will be working with them.
Local Labour Market: -
Our learners are given opportunities to find out about local jobs and local employers from work placed visits and employee encounters. Please look at some of our local employer/employee contributions:
Frank – Career history and local employee working in Car Retail
Two of our Alumni, Sam Schofield and Callum Radcliffe chat about a week in the life at Newman College:-
A week in the life of Sam & Callum at Newman College