In Early Years Foundation Stage, our priority is that our learners settle into their new environment, foster positive relationships and familiarise with daily routines so that they are healthy and happy in school.  

A wide range of high quality learning opportunities across the seven areas of learning facilitate development in the Prime Areas - Communication and Language, Physical Development and Personal, Social, Emotional Development, and the Specific Areas – Literacy, Numeracy, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design.  

Each child is at the centre of their own personalised curriculum led by family aspirations and EHCP targets that broken down into small steps in learning – Personalised Learning Goals.  

A key focus within EYFS is learners’ engagement with their world. When our learners are engaged they become available for learning and begin to develop early skills that are the foundation of learning. Our staff are highly skilled designing activities that spark curiosity and offer that irresistible opportunity to learn. 

Learners have the opportunity to freely explore their environment which is enhanced by high quality adult-learner interactions that build on what learners can do in small, achievable steps. Adult-led learning provides learners with the opportunity to develop the ability to share attention and learn new concepts and skills.  

Educational and Community visits contextualise learning and provide our children with opportunities to practice new skills in real life situations and learn about the world around them.