Leading Parent Partnership Award LPPA

Astley Park School are pleased to announce that they have been awarded the LPPA accredited status following our re accreditation visit in May 2024. This is a nationally recognised qualification that highlights the great relationship that our wonderful school has with our parents and carers, ensuring that the wants and needs of our parents and families as well as our pupils are always seen as a top priority. 


We are incredibly proud of all the work that the team put in to ensuring we once again were able to demonstrate all the areas of our best practise and look forward to building on our successes over the next three years as we look to maintain our status in the future. 


The areas of strength identified in our most recent accreditation are highlighted below: 


•     The school has a high level of commitment to parent partnership supported by the headteacher, governors and staff

•     Parent partnership is embedded into school systems, policies and procedures

•     The school has strong links with health, welfare and social agencies to support families, e.g. children can have therapeutical appointments in school

•     All staff understand the importance of developing positive relationships with parents and spend time building trust with parents to the benefit of children

•     Staff and parents work collaboratively to design a bespoke curriculum for children

•     The school have developed excellent communication methods tailored to meet parents’ needs

•     The Parent Support Lead works proactively to support vulnerable families and works with external agencies to ensure families can access the support and resources they need

•     The introduction of termly family events with opportunities for joint learning and family fun have been very successful and enabled families to enjoy activities together, staff have fully participated in these events further building relationships with families

•     In response to parents’ feedback, the school have established wrap around care and holiday clubs for students providing continuity of care, which is very much appreciated by parents many of whom find school holidays challenging. The school have appointed an Extended Services Manager to ensure the success of this work

•     The school provide comprehensive e-safety information for parents, to raise awareness of potential dangers and safeguard their children when using devises at home

•     The school have half termly parents open evenings for prospective parents to visit the school and staff provide advice to these parents on accessing support for SEND children

•     The bespoke induction process ensures individual families’ needs are met and children have as smooth a transition as possible. Families are fully involved in the transition to post 16 options

•     Parent feedback is gathered on all aspects of school life, feedback is analysed and the school responds to parents’ requests showing parents that they are listened to and their views taken seriously. Questionnaires have been streamlined to make them easier to complete, resulting in more parents responding to surveys

•     The school have learned from their practice during covid and have developed a mixture of online and in person events to enable all parents to access appointments

•     Parent feedback is very positive and parents have a very high level of confidence in the school


The full report can be found below: 

LPPA Statement of Commitment 2024

Letter to parents/carers 2024


What is the LPPA and framework?

What are the Benefits of Achieving this Award?

The LPPA award is a very thorough but rewarding process. The assessor acknowledged that Astley Park School has a ‘high strategic whole school approach for involving parents in the life of the school’ and Astley Park School listen to parents through a range of consultations using different methods.

Areas of strength

  • Astley Park School uses LPPA very thoughtfully to continue to offer sustainable parental engagement with a clear strategic plan.
  • General communication with parents is open and honest and all routes of communication oare really appreciated.
  • Parents are well informed of their child’s progress using an array of means.
  • Astley Park School offers various opportunities to engage informally with other parents such as the ‘Chill and Chat’ events.


Impact of the award

Increased our reflective practise in terms of parental engagement.

Continually using feedback to amend our approach to supporting parents

Two Way communication has given staff further insight into our children’s home life and this has enabled us to further incorporate their interests into the school.

Astley Park School are proud of our relationships with parents and carers. We want our families to feel supported, engage with us and continue to work in partnership with our staff.

Many thanks to all the parents and carers who continue to support the school and their children whilst they attend Astley Park School.


LPPA Co-ordinator

Mrs Williams

LPPA Working Group

Miss Wells

Mrs Mahood

Miss Hendy

Mrs Hand 

Miss Buck 

Mrs Devlin

Mrs Cobham

Mrs Carter 

Miss Robertson 


If you would like any more information about the LPPA or to get involved please contact Mrs Williams on williamsd@astleypark.lancs.sch.uk

LPPA you said-we did

LPPA Certificates


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