Our 2023-24 Digital Leaders are:

Willow- Miss Joseph 

Class 7A-  Master Haslam 

Class 7P - Master Betteridge 

Class 8A - Master Wilson

Class 8P- Master Harty-McGrath 

Class 9A- Miss Hamilton 

Class 9P- Master Grace

Class 10A- Master Warner

Class 10P- Miss Brownridge                         

Class 11A - Master Moazzeny


Digital Leader Video

About the Digital Leader Role:

All our Digital Leaders have the opportunity to take part in various tasks. Examples of the tasks they will be involved in are:

  • Trial new software and resources
  • Support teachers and pupils across the school when they teach Computing and ICT and use new hardware or software
  • Be a class representative for Online Safety
  • Organise competitions and whole school events promoting Computing and Online Safety
  • Attend events to share Computing learning with pupils, staff and parents
  • Help with posting updates to the Class Blogs and Social Media
  • Help classes to log off and onto equipment and help to make sure equipment is switched off and put on charge when needed.