School Meals

Lunch is prepared on the premises and served in the dining hall.  Eating of lunch is part of the Social Dining Programme.  Pupils all have targets to meet, such as displaying good manners, or using their cutlery correctly, etc and are rewarded on a ‘points scheme’.   

School meals are currently £2.70 per day.

Arrangements can be made for students requiring a special diet for health or religious reasons.

Students may bring packed lunches if they prefer, or if entitled to free school meals they can order a packed lunch from the kitchen. Please ensure that drinks are stored in unbreakable containers. All students remain on the premises during lunchtime.

Free School Meals

Free school meals - Lancashire County Council


National Standards for School Lunches


The Education (Nutritional Standards for School Lunches) (England) Regulations 2000 are based on the five food groups set out in the "Balance of Good Health" published by the Health Education Authority.

  1. Fruit and vegetables
  2. Starchy Foods
  3. Meat, fish and other non-dairy sources of protein
  4. Milk and dairy food
  5. Foods containing fat and foods containing sugar


The Regulations refer only to the first four food groups and set out the following requirements.

Special Schools

Special schools will be able to comply with either primary or secondary schools standards. This is because of the difficulty of applying either the primary or secondary standards to all age maintained special schools and also because some small secondary special schools may have difficulty in offering the choice required under the regulations applying to secondary schools.

Nursery Schools

Food must be available from each of the first four food groups.

Primary Schools

One option must be available from each of the first four food groups and:

  • Fruit and a vegetable must be available every day. Fruit based desserts must be available twice a week
  • Food from the starch group which is cooked in fat or oil must not be on offer on more than three days a week
  • Red meat must be served at least twice a week and fish at least once a week

Cheese dishes may be included in the meat/fish protein group.

Secondary Schools

Two options must be available from the first four food groups and:-

  • A fruit and a vegetable must be available every day
  • Where a food from the starch group is cooked in fat or oil, an alternative starchy food not cooked in this way must also be available
  • Red meat must be served at least three times a week and fish at least twice a week