Welcome to our Online Safety curriculum page.
With the ever changing digital world that our today’s children and young people are growing up in, keeping children safe has never been more relevant. Here at Astley Park we continue to evolve our practise and understand that it is crucial that our young people learn to balance the benefits offered by technology with a critical awareness of their own and other’s online behaviour, and develop effective strategies for staying safe and making a positive contribution online.
Our curriculum is central to a whole school approach to safeguarding and online safety and our aim is to provide a teaching and learning environment which enables our young people to live knowledgeably, responsibly and safely in a digital world. Providing guidance and promoting the development of safe and appropriate long term behaviours are our key objectives which are achieved by developing the pupils key skills’; communication, self-awareness, group belonging and safety. As pupils progress our curriculum provision focuses specifically on eight different aspects of online education:
1. Self-image and Identity
2. Online relationships
3. Online reputation
4. Online bullying
5. Managing online information
6. Health, wellbeing and lifestyle
7. Privacy and security
8. Copyright and ownership
Our approach to online safety empowers our young people, builds resilience and aims to effect positive change. Pupils have been encouraged to contribute to shaping the curriculum. The views of our School Council Representatives have been sought primarily to find out what they think works/doesn't work re: learning about online safety and what advice they would give to their peers, parents/carers and teachers. Our digital leaders have been a target group for the ‘The My Advice Project’. The findings of the focus group will help to inform, support and develop online safety priorities for schools and will be used as direct evidence to inform our delivery and curriculum progression.
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