Behaviour & Discipline
Our behaviour policy is not something ‘tagged on’ to our curriculum; it lies at the very heart of the approach to education at Astley Park. Parents and Staff have a shared responsibility for the behaviour of each child. The students are expected to conform to certain standards of behaviour, as a happy and successful school relies upon the consideration for each other shown by all its members.
Our emphasis is on the positive approach of encouragement and praise for that which is good, and a system of ‘Positive Behaviour Management’ operates throughout the school. This system is based on the belief that teachers have a right to expect good order in class, and students have a right to expect to be taught by committed teachers, in surroundings which are conducive to learning. We have certain rules, but these are kept to a minimum and are based on common sense. Self-discipline is encouraged and a system of rewards is maintained for good behaviour.
However, when students make the wrong choice of behaviour, a Learning Support Programme for each individual is drawn up and agreed by the student, the parent/carer and the school.
Astley Park School is totally opposed to bullying in any of its forms and it will not be tolerated. We cannot promise that bullying will never occur, but we can assure you that once we know of any such instance, we shall take action to stop it.
We are committed to providing a friendly, caring, and safe environment for all our students so that they can learn in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. If you are at all worried that your child is being bullied or is bullying others in school, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will always listen to your concerns and work with you and your child to resolve the problem.
Astley Park School recognises its responsibilities under the Race Relations Act 2000 and believes that children and adults of all ethnic, cultural, racial and religious backgrounds should be treated with dignity and respect.