Welcome to our Forest School curriculum page.
Astley Park currently offers Forest Schools as a targeted intervention to pupils in KS4 and has a view to expand its use across other keys stages in the future.
Forest schools are a Scandinavian education process that takes places in a forest or woodland environment. This child lead approach gives pupils the opportunity to experience a host of different activities which can involve tool use, building fires, making shelters and cooking on an open fire. These types of activities are vital as one of the key principles of Forest Schools is to give learners the opportunity to make supported risks and develop their skills and qualities in the following areas:
- Communication
- Problem Solving
- Independence
- Resilience
- Self-esteem
- Creativity
- Social interactions and Friendships.
Astley Park is a great place to deliver Forest Schools as we have our own woodland area on site which includes a fire circle. We are also able to access the local park (Astley Park) to deliver these activities in a different environment.
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