Astley Park School
Equality Statement and Objectives
Equality Statement
Astley Park School seeks to provide Equality of Opportunity for all members for the school community whatever their disability, age, gender, race, nationality, religion, marital status, maternity, sexual orientation or background. We recognise that people have different needs and treating them equally does not always mean treating them the same. We recognise that some members of the school community will need additional support to enable them to fully access school services. We strive to challenge discrimination and prejudice of all levels in the school community. We are working towards reaccreditation of the LLC Equality Mark having successfully achieved all the 6 Equality badges, these being Race, Gender, Socio-Economic, Disability, Sexual Orientation and Religion and Belief.
Specific Duties
We have two Specific Duties under the 2010 Equality Act:
• To publish information to demonstrate our compliance with the general duty to promote equality.
• To prepare and publish one or more equality objectives.
We have therefore prepared this section of our school website to show what we do to promote equality of opportunity and highlight the equality objectives that we are working on this year. You can also review the linked documents below to see our progress towards our objectives in previous years.
Review Process
The Assistant Headteacher Mrs Michelle Crouch is the Equality Working Party Lead and she is supported by Equality Champions Miss Emma Down, Mrs Heather Hylands, Miss Rachael Cross, Miss Lauren O'Brien and Miss Lauren Hendy and Nominated Governor for Equality Mr Mick Maher. The team have specific responsibility for equality issues within school and meet termly to plan events, discuss issues and solutions and report on progress towards our objectives. The Leadership Team and Governors at Astley Park School regularly review the progress we are making towards meeting our equality objectives via a report and via drop-ins in school. The Equality and Diversity Team from Lancashire County Council review our progress on a three-year cycle via the reaccrediation for the LCC Equality Mark.
Pupils on Role |
171 |
Male |
Primary |
Secondary |
54 |
56 |
Female |
Primary |
Secondary |
19 |
39 |
Special Educational Needs |
Specific Learning Difficulty |
3 |
Moderate Learning Difficulty |
21 |
Severe Learning Difficulty |
15 |
Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties |
0 |
Social, Emotional and Mental Health |
4 |
Speech, Language and Communication Needs |
41 |
Mutli-Sensory Impairment |
0 |
Hearing Impairment |
1 |
Vision Impairment |
2 |
Physical Disability |
10 |
Autistic Spectrum Disorder |
70 |
SEN support – No Specialist Assessment |
0 |
Other Difficulty/Disorder |
1 |
Free School Meals |
Primary |
Secondary |
11 |
27 |
Pupils First Language |
Arabic |
1 |
English |
161 |
Urdu |
1 | |
Gujarati |
2 |
Polish |
2 |
Romanian |
1 |
Ethnicity |
Indian |
6 |
Pakistani |
3 |
White and Black Caribbean |
4 |
Black and White African |
0 |
Any Other Mixed Background |
3 |
Any other Asian Background |
1 |
Any Other White Background |
8 |
White British |
140 |
White and Black African |
0 |
Black African |
1 | |
Non-Disclosed |
2 |
Religion |
Christian |
53 |
Hindu |
3 |
Mormon |
1 |
Muslim |
7 |
Church of England |
14 |
No Religion |
50 |
Other Religion |
9 |
Roman Catholic |
20 |
Refused |
10 |
Non-Disclosed |
1 |
Children Looked After (CLA Children) |
3 |
(PLAA) |
8 |
Review Process
The Deputy Head teacher Mrs Kailey Clegg, Leading Practitioner Mrs Michelle Crouch, Equality Champions Miss Emma Down, Mrs Heather Hylands, Mrs Corrine Spear, Miss Rachael Cross , Mr Kevin Murphy and Miss Lauren Hendy and Nominated Governor for Equality Mick Maher have specific responsibility for equality issues within school. The Leadership Team and Governors at Astley Park School regularly review the progress we are making towards meeting our equality objectives and a report is presented termly to governors via nominated governor report and HT report regards progress towards achieving our objectives
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