Meet The Staff
9P Class
Miss Buck
Miss Henry
Ms Cheetham
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9P Holi festival and Science Week
9P Holi Festival and Science Week
In class 9P, we have celebrating the Holi colour festival and science week.
For the Holi colour festival, we spent some time as a class learning about Holi and the traditions.
Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates spring, love and new…

Careers Week 9P
Careers Week
This week in 9P we have enjoyed Careers week. We spent time in our English lesson looking at different jobs that they may be interested in doing when they’re an adult. We had a group discussion about different jobs we would like to do, and we took it in turns to discuss as a…

9P NSPCC Number Day and Safer Internet Day
This week, we have had two very important SMSC events: NSPCC Number Day and Safer Internet Day.
We learnt about Safer Internet Day using a PowerPoint about the importance of online safety. We also discussed what online threats there could be and discussed the importance of not talking to…