World Autism Acceptance Week is back from 27 March – 2 April 2023 and we will be celebrating World Autism Awareness Day which takes place in school on Friday 31st March 2023. On this day we are asking our learners to come to school dressed in colourful clothing. We are hoping that in each class room we will have a rainbow of colour.
World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) aims to put a spotlight on the hurdles that people with autism and others living with autism face every day. As a growing global health issue owing to its increasing exposure in the press and common knowledge, autism is an issue that is only gaining more understanding and WAAD activities are planned every year to further increase and develop world knowledge of children and adults who have autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
There will be a sponsored walk around the track at 1:30pm, for a small donation of £1 it will be Non-Uniform Day.