Astley Park School are hosting our next Parent and Carer Event and we are inviting you to join us on the 14th March 2024 to partake in our Colour Run to celebrate the Hindu Festival of Holi alongside your children and their class.

The event will start at 1:15pm prompt and last until approx. 3pm. Please note the school gates will be unmanned during this time. Please ensure if you are taking your child home to inform transport & class teacher.


There will be seating & refreshments throughout the event.


Holi, also known as the Festival of Colours, is a popular holiday with a rich history, celebrated most commonly in India. It celebrates the triumph of good over evil and the changing of the seasons from winter to spring.


During the celebrations we will have traditional Indian food tasters, deserts and soft drinks, and will provide a social area of parents to enjoy spending time with others whilst we play traditional music and the children partake in traditional dancing. We will then finish off our celebrations with a 'colour burst' which involves the throwing of coloured powders on one another and in the air and then will run/walk/crawl or roll around our specially designed colour track embracing the celebration of the coming of spring and new life.


Traditionally; white clothes are worn during the celebration ensuring the paints are vibrant and seen, and so, on Friday 14th please send your child into school wearing a white or light coloured T-shirt that you don't mind getting covered in the powders as they may stain. Pupils and parents are encouraged to wear and bring along their own set of sun glasses or swim goggles to protect their eyes should you wish. If you wish to join us please do also attend wearing clothing you do not mind potentially being covered in the powder paint.


We really do hope that as many parents and carers as possible can come and celebrate with us, as we embrace the joy of the festival and bring it to life at Astley Park School. Please note we will be partaking in this festival as a whole school and therefore if you do not wish for your child to be involved please email Mrs Williams:- to withdraw your consent.