Oak Class learnt all about the Christmas nativity today. First of all, we enjoyed reading the story together on the carpet, taking it in turns to find the characters in our story to match our figures. We were able to answer questions during different parts of the story; When Mary was told by the angel she was having a baby Josh thought Mary would feel happy and Ethan said he thinks she felt a bit worried. Ruby told us that Mary, Joseph and the donkey must have felt hot when walking, Josh said they will have felt tired and hungry and Ethan thought they might have been poor because they only had a donkey. We found out all the Inns were crowded and Ethan told us that crowded meant there were lots of people. When Mary and Joseph were told they could stay in the stable Tig told us that horses usually live in stables. Amelia chose the donkey and baby Jesus when asked, and told us “baby”. Oscar told us Mary felt ‘happy’ when she had the baby. Isobel told us their were 3 wise men after counting them. Ethan then told us he didn’t think Mary and Joseph were poor anymore because they had a baby, a stable, and presents. Amir was able to remember that the angel told Mary that she was going to have a baby. We then all played a matching game, when we chose a character we had to answer a question about them, we all did fantastic remembering! After playtime we all got busy with activities. We enjoyed; dressing baby Jesus, re-acting the nativity with our figures, colouring pictures, telling and writing about the story with colourful semantics, listening to nativity songs and working together to build a nativity scene on the laptop. Well done Oak Class!