This week we have been learning Humpty Dumpty. We have been exploring the sensory trays, retelling parts of the rhyme through play and Attention Autism and having fun with eggs! We have been focussing on our communication skills by making choices, taking turns, following instructions in play and expressing our preferences and dislikes. We have explored 3D shapes and shaving foam to build a wall for Humpty Dumpty and made a wall from paint printing repeated patterns using bricks. During Attention Autism sessions we have been taking turns in Stage 3 to throw paint filled eggs and identified the colours we found. We have been choosing colours to make patterns by rolling eggs in paint and tilting the tray to watch the marvellous colourful patterns they made with Miss Beck. Today we explored hard boiled eggs, cracking them and using our fine motor skills to carefully peel then slice them. We smelled and tasted them but some of us did not like the smell or taste! We have had a truly marvellous week and we look forward to lots of learning and fun next week! Star of the Week this week is - AS for beautiful engagement during Stage 2 and Stage 3 Attention Autism and trying lots of different foods.