Today has been all about fireworks and bonfire night! For attention autism Miss Howarth had party poppers and toys that flew into the air like fireworks. In stage 2 Miss Howarth popped balloons filled with paint, it got very messy and Miss Howarth also got it all over her glasses! It was very colourful like real fireworks. In stage 3 we all put out a foam ‘fire’ with a water spray. Next we listened to a bonfire song before doing our Bonfire sensory story. First we did super signing of ‘fireworks’ and ‘bonfire’. Next it was time for our own ‘fireworks’, our teachers flew a big rainbow parachute up and down over our heads. We all enjoyed seeing all the different colours above our heads. We were then able to make our own popping noises like fireworks by stomping on and popping bubble wrap. Next we got to smell and taste popcorn, some of us really like the popcorn and even had seconds! Next it was time to make the firework ‘bangs’ we all had a turn to bang drums. We then watched lots of fireworks on the screen while listening to the song ‘fireworks’. For our activities outside with Mrs Duxbury we put out foam and chalk fires with our water spray. Inside with Mrs Seddon we were making our own fireworks with paint. We have sent home reading diaries and books to share at home. Our star of the week this week is Mohmed for always being a super helpful member of Maple Class. What a superstar! Have a super weekend!