Today in Maple Class we have been celebrating Diwali. This morning Miss Howarth did a Diwali themed attention autism. In the bucket was a few light up objects to celebrate the festival of light and an Indian doll. For stage 2 Miss Howarth used different coloured rice and made a rangoli pattern, next it was our turn! A few of us chose a colour of rice and made our own rangoli pattern in the tray. We then got busy with our teachers, some of us made more rangoli patterns in the rice outside and henna tattoos on paper hands. Inside a few of us were making coconuts sweets, we did lots of pouring, mixing and patting it down. We then had a little try to see if we liked it or not. The rest of us were mark making on rangoli patterns on paper. We then listened to a song all about Diwali and looked back on our pictures. Happy Diwali!