Chestnut Class have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day and Flanders Field through Attention Autism -Stages 1,2 and 3. During Stage 2 we watched Miss Spear sprinkle black sand, seeds and water onto card and then watched as red poppies were dropped on the top. Lots of Poppies grew after the war had ended and during Stage 3 we took turns to drop lots of poppies too. We think our picture of Flanders Fields looks fantastic. At 11 o clock we sat quietly in group time for a whole 2 minutes and watched a lovely Poppy animation on the big screen. We have been making repeated printing patterns using apples and sprinkling black sand to create Poppies and we have been following instructions to make 3D poppies using empty egg cartons and scrunched up tissue paper. {gallery:Remembrance Day in Chestnut Class}