Old McDonald exploring in Beech
Beech class enjoy Old McDonald
Friendship week in Beech
Our friends
Friendship Week in Chestnut Class
Friendship Week Chestnut Class 2021
We are all friends in Maple Class!
This week we have been learning how to be kind friends in Maple Class for Friendship Week. On Monday we all wore odd socks to celebrate that we are all unique. Tuesday Miss Troughton made a tree out of brown paint, we all then took it in turns to paint our hands and splat them onto the tree to make Maple Class Friendship tree. On Wednesday Miss Howarth did an attention autism. She pulled out different jars out of the bucket to show how we could be a good friends. These included; Kindness, fun, love, honesty and helpfulness. Next she made a friendship circle with lots of different coloured paper. We all put our hands on each piece and Miss Howarth sifted flour over our hands to make hand prints. On Thursday Miss Woods pulled a paper banner of lots of people holding hands to show we are all friends. She then had a picture of socks, we all took it in turns to dab different colours on make our very own odd socks. We are super friends in Maple Class, doing lots of sharing, playing together and using kind hands.
Chestnut Class 21-22 (Children in Need Day)
Children in Need 21-22 Chestnut Class
Children in Need 21-22 Chestnut Class
On Wednesday Chestnut Class had lots of fun all while raising money for a fabulous cause- Children in Need! We donated money and came dressed up
A Rhyme in Time - Humpty Dumpty in Chestnut Class
This week we have been learning Humpty Dumpty. We have been exploring the sensory trays, retelling parts of the rhyme through play and Attention Autism and having fun with eggs! We have been focussing on our communication skills by making choices, taking turns, following instructions in play and expressing our preferences and dislikes. We have explored 3D shapes and shaving foam to build a wall for Humpty Dumpty and made a wall from paint printing repeated patterns using bricks. During Attention Autism sessions we have been taking turns in Stage 3 to throw paint filled eggs and identified the colours we found. We have been choosing colours to make patterns by rolling eggs in paint and tilting the tray to watch the marvellous colourful patterns they made with Miss Beck. Today we explored hard boiled eggs, cracking them and using our fine motor skills to carefully peel then slice them. We smelled and tasted them but some of us did not like the smell or taste! We have had a truly marvellous week and we look forward to lots of learning and fun next week! Star of the Week this week is - AS for beautiful engagement during Stage 2 and Stage 3 Attention Autism and trying lots of different foods.
Remembrance Day in Chestnut Class
Chestnut Class have been learning about the importance of Remembrance Day and Flanders Field through Attention Autism -Stages 1,2 and 3. During Stage 2 we watched Miss Spear sprinkle black sand, seeds and water onto card and then watched as red poppies were dropped on the top. Lots of Poppies grew after the war had ended and during Stage 3 we took turns to drop lots of poppies too. We think our picture of Flanders Fields looks fantastic. At 11 o clock we sat quietly in group time for a whole 2 minutes and watched a lovely Poppy animation on the big screen. We have been making repeated printing patterns using apples and sprinkling black sand to create Poppies and we have been following instructions to make 3D poppies using empty egg cartons and scrunched up tissue paper. {gallery:Remembrance Day in Chestnut Class}