Sycamore - Week 5
Sycamore have been busy again this week! On Mon we had our Teams call where we did a Maths Challenge, it was quite a tricky challenge but all the children in Sycamore did a really good job and tried very hard so well done everyone..... On our Teams call on Weds they made some Elephants with Miss Troughton using paper, straws, scissors and glue which turned out brilliantly and fitted right in with our 'Zoo Vet' topic....good job everyone! In class we have been doing some of the 6 star challenges and we attempted the push ups for 1minute.......we all did our best and managed to do at least 10 each......our arms are bit achy today though but we enjoyed the challenge. The children at home have also been joining in with the 6star challenge and have been sending pictures into us so we can see how they have been getting on. We did some super Riddles writing in class as well and we are so proud of the children with how they worked well and came up with super words, writing some lovely riddles and drawing pictures of their chosen animal. We then sat at circle time and each had a turn at reading out their riddle for the other children to guess which animal they were. We had some super guesses and some correct guesses too! Our learners at home have been producing some fantastic work too showing us how hard they are working at home which is great we absolutely love seeing their progression and the pictures we see daily. keep going everyone you are doing a great job!! Mrs Carney {gallery:Sycamore - Week 5}