Head, shoulders, knees and ....
Oak class have been very busy this morning labelling different parts of the body. To help us remember and get our brains and bodies ready to learn, we did some dancing to ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes’. The children did super listening and followed the dance much better than us teachers! We then got to draw around Josh and all had a turn adding labels to the body. Josh was very surprised to see how big his body looked! We labeled the head, shoulders, knees, feet, hands, tummy and more! Before dinner time we then played a game and pointed to the different parts of our bodies. Oak class did super waiting and listening to the instructions!
Maple and Oak Class - What make you happy?
This morning Maple and Oak class joined together for our first joint class assembly! This half term our topic is ‘New Beginnings’. To start off our first ever class assembly we had some different activities. We built a happy face and sang ‘if your happy and you know it’. We then spoke about what makes us happy in school. It was lovely to hear all the wonderful comments from our learners;