10G Newman taster
visit to newman
10R Many Happy Returns Jack
10R Many Happy Returns Jack
Eyes and Ears and Mouth and Nose...
In science this half term Oak are learning all about the human body! This afternoon we did ‘What’s in the Box’ and Miss Cross painted the outline of a body. Then with the help of Oak class we added the features of the face. Oak then took the lead and labelled some features of the body. Later we sang ‘Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes’ and all joined in with the actions.
9R Ofsted Celebration Day
Ofsted Celebration day - 9R
Celebration Day - Oak Class 2019
What a fantastic day Oak Class had on Friday, to celebrate our Outstanding OFSTED report. We rode the donkeys, jumped on the bouncy castle and had a fabulous time in the soft play. We then shared our Star of the Week in class.