Oak Celebrate World Book Day 2019
Happy World Book Day! Today Oak Class came dressed up as their favourite book character. We had lots of wonderful costumes; Harry Potter, Willy Wonka, Mary Poppins, Wheres Wally, a Princess, Indiana Jones, Sonic and the Crocodile from Peter Pan! We celebrated the day with lots of activities! This morning we enjoyed messy play with Miss Miller, we watched the story ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and enjoyed lots of red messy activities! Then we listened to the story ‘The Adventures of Peter Rabbit’. We walked through Mr McGregors garden with help from Miss Curry! This afternoon Miss Cross read us the story Alice in Wonderland and we enjoyed the Mad Hatters tea party with juice, cakes and biscuits, before our parade in the hall! What a fun-filled day it has been!!!
Rowan class celebrate World Book Day 2019.
Today Rowan class came to school dressed as a character from their favourite book. Daniel and Ethan came as Iron Man, Ty came as Horrid Henry complete with face, Olivia dressed up to look like Jo Jo Siwa, Megan came as Hermione from Harry Potter, Hasan did a great impression of the Hulk, Jacob looked fantastic as Fantastic Mr Fox, Jake's favourite book is Gangsta Granny, Joseph likes Octonaut books and Luca likes books about video game characters. We started off the day with the Little Red Riding Hood story and we did some messy play activities. Miss Curry did an Attention Autism session on our class's chosen book, The Adventures of Peter Rabbit, and some children (and TA's) walked through Mr McGregors Pond, stomped through the field then searched for minibeasts in the wood. In our craft session we made rabbits using paper plates and cotton balls. We enjoyed making them and we all agreed they looked really good. We ended the school day by watching an episode of Peter Rabbit. It was a really fun day and we are all looking forward to finding a new book to read with the help of our World Book Day token.
Fry the Pancake, Fry the Pancake.. Ready, Steady, FLIP!
To help us understand why we enjoyed pancakes for tea last night, this afternoon Oak Class have had lots of pancake fun. We made pancake mix using flour, water and eggs and mixed it all up. We then played a pancake flip game. We sprinkled our mini pancakes with sugar and sang our song ‘fry the pancake, fry the pancake.. Ready, Steady.. FLIP!’. We had lots of fun flipping the pancakes high and low. Miss Woods and Mrs Smith had a turn too! Oak Class loved cheering their friends on! For snack we then decorated our own pancakes. The favourite choice was chocolate and banana, but Ollie and Reece enjoyed the lemon and sugar.