Chestnut Spring 2 Week 1
2024 Chestnut Class Spring 2 Week 1
Nuffield gym
Gym work experience
10A Community visits
This term in 10A is busy with community visits around the area. Our first visits of the week are to Chorley in Bloom, Jake visited on Monday and is involved with planting and creating a feature using tyres, unfortunately due to the weather the rest of the class were unable to visit but we will re commence next week. Tuesdays will be our swimming lessons at Chorley leisure centre, this week we learnt about being safe in and around the water Thursday shall be our weekly visit to Boulder, Preston. A rock climbing experience where we shall be challenging ourselves to get to the top of the wall. And Fridays will be our visits to local colleges, Cardinal Newman this week, where we took part in a scavenger hunt to familiarise ourselves with the facilities
Very Hungry Caterpillars in Beech Class 2024
Very Hungry Caterpillars in Beech Class 2024