The theme for our class assemblies this term was ‘Going for Goals’. We learned about some inspirational people who have achieved their own goals in life and looked at the challenges they faced whilst achieving those goals. Some of them where well know and some faces were new to class. First there was Sadio Mane who most of us had heard of. We found how his life started in poverty in Senegal and what he has been through to become a world famous football player. Next we looked at Eddie ‘The Eagle’ Edwards, and learned that even though people did not take him seriously, he never gave up and competed in the Olympics which was his dream. The last person we learned about was Hezron Brown a Pride of Britain award winner, who as a young person made choices that were not good but then turned his life around. He now talks to young people in schools to try to help them have a goal and not to take the wrong path in life.
Class staff were absolutely blown away with how interested and engaged everyone was with the lives of these people and how much information they remembered. We played a game of ‘guess who I am’ to test this and did brilliantly well.
Class got involved in lots of activities over the weeks. There was inspirational mindful colouring, (one of pupils created his own fantastic design which we have used as our title picture) and we made origami chatterboxes with positive words. In our last week as a group we picked from a selection of words, talked their meanings and decided if they were positive and helpful or not. Again everyone contributed and joined in the discussion in a very mature way, myself and Mrs Bretherton were so proud of you all.
Why don’t you talk to adults at home about the people we looked at then choose someone yourself and find out how they achieved their goals. Whilst we are not at school remember those words and phrases, ‘Never give up’ ‘Believe in yourself’ and ‘Stay strong’.