27 Mar

Sycamores fruit tasting session

Today some of the children from sycamore class went on an adventure to hall for a fruit tasting session with a member of the Asda team. They all got to make their own fruit kebabs and taste lots of different yummy fruits. Oranges and strawberries were definitely the children’s favourite. Well done…

27 Mar

Mother’s Day cards in sycamore class

Today has been a very busy day in sycamore class! The children have worked super hard making their very own Mother’s Day cards. You all did such a good job, they look amazing!



27 Mar

Oak Class Try Food Tasting !

Some of Oak Class enjoyed a visit from the community lead from ASDA today.

We enjoyed a fruit tasting session in the hall making fruit kebabs. Then we took some fruit back to class for our friends to explore too.  

27 Mar

11A Picture News

Todays Picture News was all about the coalition movement to help with the war in the Ukraine.

We looked at photographs of our Prime Minister Keir Starmer meeting with President Zelenskyy and we talked about how all 20 countries are coming together to help with the war and hopefully bring…

26 Mar

Sycamore talk about our families

Today we learnt all about each other’s families and houses that we live in. We took turns to talk about our houses and who lives in them. We all enjoyed learning about each other’s families and answering questions about our families. 
Well done Sycamore! 


26 Mar

Junk modelling and construction in Sycamore class

This week the children have been exploring the world of junk and the different things that we can create using our imagination. The children have been working very hard to build their own model houses, rockets and robots and whatever other amazing ideas that they could come up with. It has been…

26 Mar

Sycamore class feed the ducks

Today the whole of sycamore class went for a walk in the lovely sun to the Astley Park. On the way we all worked very hard practicing our road safety. Once we got to the park we all got to feed the ducks at the pond then we went and had some fun on the play park. We all had such a great time…

26 Mar

Oak Celebrate Holi Festival and Comic Relief !


Oak Class have had lots of fun over the last few weeks celebrating the Holi Festival and Comic Relief.
During the festival we engaged in lots of activities with both our teachers, friends, parents and carers. We especially enjoyed the colour run it was such a great event. 
We also…

25 Mar

9P Holi festival and Science Week

9P Holi Festival and Science Week 



In class 9P, we have celebrating the Holi colour festival and science week. 

For the Holi colour festival, we spent some time as a class learning about Holi and the traditions. 

Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates spring, love and new…

25 Mar

School Council give feedback to the PSHE Association

Last week, members of the school council met with Sarah from the PSHE association to contribute ideas to the development of PSHE resources for children with special educational needs. They gave some really good feedback such as resources that include images of real people rather than cartoons, and…

24 Mar

Comic Relief in 8A

Last week Astley Park went back to the 80’s for Comic Relief. We had lots of fun dancing outside in the sunshine to 80’s music. Lots of people dressed up in 80’s clothes. There was lots of bright colours and frilly tutus. 

We really made the most of the sunshine, going out on community…

21 Mar

Comic Relief Day 80s theme

Comic Relief 80s theme


Today at Astley Park it was Comic Relief day and we had an 80s theme. 

It was great seeing the learners in their own clothes, especially the brightly coloured T-shirts, leg warmers and tutus. The staff also joined in with their dress wear!


The school…