Happy Summer Term


Here is a our summer term learning from home online safety family challenge. 

Last term we looked at what was good to share, talking about the different scenarios.

This term we are thinking about if what we read on the internet is true. Many pupils will be accessing the internet a lot more due to the nature of the current circumstances. It is important that they are able to understand what if real from what is made up. By developing this skill they will be more likely to reduce their level of vulnerability in potential future scams. Pupils may also be able to reduce potential anxieties from being able to identify the difference between real news and fake news. By identifying if a web page is genuine or not they can develop their skills of research and learning of the world. 

Please feel free to share your discussions in the comments or email your class teachers to show off what you have discovered with your family. 


Have Fun! 

Mrs Tolan