Hello everyone and I hope you are all keeping safe and finding plenty of things to do at home.
As you will be aware by now some of our young people and staff have been in school still and have been taking part in lots of activities, fun videos and many other things. The other week Mr Buckley, Mrs Price and Mrs Mahood were in school and so I thought I would show you the things we all got up to during the week with the pupils in school.
We kicked off the week with a 13th birthday celebration where cake was eaten and songs were sang.
We had a rainbow themed week as we have been seeing lots of these lately and thought it would be a good way to get creative. We sorted coloured hoop cereal into different piles and then created a rainbow picture from these. Everyone did really well as not all of us found it an easy task but kept going.
We also looked at the story of The Rainbow Fish and talked about feelings, emotions and found time for some more craft activities based around the story. Some chose to paint, others to colour and we also wrote about the story.
Later in the week we headed outside in the sun for our Rainbow alphabet challenge. Mrs Price and Mrs Mahood had hidden the rainbow letters around school and then we split into teams and had to find them as fast as possible. Some were hidden really well and it took some of us quite a while to find them but the teams then helped each other to find the letters. What a fantastic choice this was and made us all happy to see some excellent teamwork. While it was nice outside we attempted to make a rainbow picture using bubble mix and different colours to make patterns on the large paper. This didn't exactly go to plan and we blame the bubbles and the wind although everyone had fun and lots of laughter at trying to make the patterns.
We had a Joe Wicks workout which was really fun and great to see everybody joining in and trying their best.
Then the highlight of the week came on Thursday with our Cooking class with Mrs Mahood. We all joined in baking a rainbow cake which turned out absolutely amazing as you can see. We all listened, measured and followed instructions fantastically well to produce our masterpiece.
What a great week we all had, take care and stay safe everyone.
Amelias nana
6 May 2020
Wow the children are keeping busy. They are learning new skills which is brilliant. The cakes look great. A big thanks to all the staff looking after these children. Keep safe everyone.