Hi all you 11G members, fans and followers,

I hope you all managed to have a relaxing week off over half term.  I am extremely excited about our Teams meeting on Monday.  I cannot wait to see you all and share what we have been up to.  We will also be joined by two special guests – Miss Armstrong and her baby Jessa Rose! I know that you are all keen to see them both.

I have been in touch with some of you this week and heard some great things.  Cameron and Joe have continued to be a great help around their houses and shown great maturity and behaviour in lockdown.  Emily has been helping out doing chores and being a great big sister.

Adam has continued were he left off before the holidays being extremely busy. He has been helping clean out his pet’s cages and kennels, improving his woodwork skills by making a Power Ranger sword and getting out to the park and practicing his excellent footballs skills – David Beckham style.

I have been kept busy with Thomas and Elizabeth.  This week we have been exploring in the local forest, looking at the different coloured leaves and played what time is it Mr Wolf. When at home we have been digging up weeds, cleaning our wendy house and baking jam tarts.

Whats Mrs Cobham been upto?

Hello 11G

I had a lovely weeks holiday, I spent time in the garden, I did some signing for sign of the week and I found some time to do some reading. On Friday  Mr Cobham and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary so we had a barbeque in the garden and dipped marshmallows and strawberries into melted chocolate. We also had a lovely visitor to the garden – a young tawny owl. This week I’ve been in school so I’ve been very busy. Looking forward to catching up with you all very soon, stay safe and look after each other.

Mrs Cobham

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

Have a relaxing weekend!


Mr Massey