Welcome back to 11G bubble B

What an amazing few days we have had! I am so incredibly proud of how grown-up you have all been. I know that there was a couple of worried faces on Thursday morning but we were so pleased that, by the end of Thursday afternoon, everyone went home with a lovely big smile on their face.  We are so pleased to see you all again and have thoroughly enjoyed our first two days together. 

On Thursday we enjoyed getting back into the school routine, with an attention autism session based around friendship, relaxation through yoga and regulation sessions outside in the playground; we played hopscotch and the ‘bean’ game. Now we are in year 11 we are making and preparing our own snacks and drinks for ourselves and our friends! 

 On Friday we practiced counting as a group and sang number songs. We got our bodies moving by playing Pac-Man outside and we got creative with our beautiful mandalas. We also made collages of our own families that are now displayed on our class display. In Golden Time we enjoyed some jigsaws and as a treat we watched some Shaun the Sheep! You have all behaved amazingly and settled back in really well.

Well done Bubble B.

Parents/ Carers both bubbles - watch out for our homework video which will be uploaded on to our School YouTube channel on Monday afternoon!

We are looking forward to seeing all our bubble A students back in school on Monday.