Three of our pupils have done an amazing job fundraising for Derian House this term.
We looked at Derian House and all the amazing work they do while completing our community action ASDAN unit. We learned about all the funds that are needed to keep it running and how a lot of families really rely on Derian House for much needed respite care and end of life care. During the unit we had a lady, Sarah who came from the fundraising team to give all our pupils a talk about what Derian House is all about and show them the different things that people do to raise money.
All our staff and pupils were really moved by the video and information she shared with us, all our class raised money selling gingerbread people and it was a real team effort. However, three of our pupils took this to heart and decided to do more…..much more!
They spent time in school working looking at and learning about sponsorship forms, drafted emails to staff to tell them all about what they were planning on doing for Derian House.
Then in their own time on a Saturday in June they Walked The Morecambe Bay Walk to raise funds for Derian House.
They did an amazing job and we couldn’t be more proud of all their efforts!
Once back in school they then collected all their sponsorship money and counted it up, watching it mount up. Watching the look of pleasure spread on their faces as the total got bigger and bigger was absolutely brilliant…’s made our year!
Today they went to Derian House with a member of Staff and handed in their sponsorship money and sponsorship form. Unfortunately despite plans being in place for a tour around it had to be cancelled due to the raise of COVID-19 locally, this did not stop the joy though as the fundraising team gave them boards to hold up with the amount they raised…..a whopping £180.
The team would like to thank everyone for the support and generosity of all those who sponsored them. They said it was a fun but wet and muddy experience, two out of three said they would do the activity again if the opportunity came up.
A massive well done to Sam, Sarah and Faith, you are amazing!