Hi all,

I would like to introduce myself.  I am Amy Blundell, vice chair of governors and nominated governor for child protection and safeguarding. 

Within my role as vice chair, as well as attending the Informal and Formal governing body meetings, I am also on the following committees:

Finance and Staffing

Premises, Health & Safety


Headteacher's Appraisal

Discretionary Leave

The informal meeting has been reintroduced as a way for us to have more in-depth discussions around different aspects within school. This allows us to set our own agenda and spend time analysing specific areas of school development as well as gaining more knowledge on the day to day running of the school. It is also a time for us to build connections within the team so that we can work more effectively and collaboratively together. 

We value and foster having an environment of respect, trust and understanding with one another. These meetings support this goal as it allows everyone to share their views in a supportive space whilst also allowing for challenge. Every member of the governing body is valued, they each bring different perspectives and lived experiences which allows us to ensure agenda items are thoroughly discussed in order for us to come to the best possible outcomes together. 

It is wonderful to hear about all the effort and determination our school staff have put into school.  Our senior leadership team and school staff are going above and beyond to ensure that every young person is able to reach their full potential in a safe and nurturing environment. We are incredibly thankful for all the hard work they have put in through the most difficult of times. 

As governors we are extremely proud of everyone in our Astley Park community and would like to thank parents, carers and extended families for their continued support. 

Kind Regards 
