Happy New Year and welcome back from 10P!
We’ve had a busy first week, jumping straight into things on Monday morning with our visit to ASDA. We firstwent around the shop, getting things for breakfast and for our food tech lesson the following day before heading to the cafe to enjoy some breakfast. After lunch we worked on our writing skills by writing some sentences about what we had done over the holidays. We shared this with each other and got to look at the pictures some of the learners has sent in.
Tuesday started off with news round and after break we did our food tech lesson, splitting into two groups to make apple crumble while the other half stayed in class and worked on some thrive activities. In the afternoon we were looking at New Year resolutions where we all decided on what we wanted to do/get better at this year.
On Wednesday morning we had maths; for this lesson we were looking at days of the week and putting them in the correct order. In the afternoon we had our first SRE lesson where we started to learn about puberty and what changes your body goes through when you become a teenager. We had a class discussion about the changes that everyone goes through and then had a look at how it can be different for boys and girls.
On Thursday we decided to cancel swimming due to the icy conditions and instead we stayed in school. Here everyone worked hard on their ASDAN and did lots of work to get it finished. We also worked on our phonics and see and learn, where everyone is doing lots of brilliant work.
On Friday we started off the day with picture news, and then moved onto English, where everyone had to come up with their own bird and, using worksheets to help prompt them, write some sentences about what it looked like and where it lived.
In the afternoon we had golden time and celebration assembly. A massive well done to our Star of the Week Tig! You have had a brilliant first week back and have showed lots of maturity! We hope everyone has a lovely weekend and stays safe.
Mrs Powell, Mrs Price, Mrs Cobham, Miss Carter and Miss Wilkins.