WC 20th September Week 3 11R
W/c 20 th September week 3
Macmillan morning in Chestnut Class
Coffee morning
What’s the weather, what’s the weather, what’s the weather in Maple Class today?
This week we have been learning about all different types of weather in Maple Class! We have been listening to a sensory story all week to learn about; Snow, rain, thunder and sun. Miss Howarth let us feel some pretend snow, we saw that it was white and very cold. We all enjoyed getting squirted with water for rain. There was some loud noises for thunder, we felt the breeze when Miss Howarth flapped some books and we used the torches to show us the sunshine. On Monday we focused on learning all about sunshine. Miss Howarth pulled out a sun hat, some sunglasses and sun cream from her bucket. We all had a feel and smell of the sun cream and Miss Howarth wore the sun hat and glasses. We then all tried melting ice with a hairdryer to see how hot the sun is. On Tuesday we focused on learning about the wind. We took it in turns to put shredded paper in front of the fan and watched how it blew away. Wednesday was all about rain, we listened to the incy wincy spider rhyme, when it rained we all got sprayed with water. We then took it in turns to sit on a chair holding an umbrella. Miss Howarth then poured water over the umbrella, we loved watching and listening to the water. Snow was the last weather we learnt about on Thursday. Miss Howarth let us all try on woolly hats and gloves to see how warm they felt. We then took it in turns putting shapes on a black piece of paper, covering them with snow (flour) and then taking the shapes away to reveal our snowy picture. We then went off to do other activities which included feeling and crushing ice and making paper snowmen with different shapes. During the week we were also making banners for our Macmillan coffee morning. On Friday some of our family came to join us to enjoy lots of different cakes and raise some money! In the afternoon we took it in turns to bake our own cakes. This week our star of the week is George for coping so well with lots of changes in his routine.
Beech class enjoy “Blue week”
Beech class explore everything blue
Beech Macmillan Coffee Morning
Beech class enjoy coffee morning
Week 2 in Maple Class
We’ve been very busy this week in Maple Class. We have all had lots of fun taking part in attention autism sessions, messy play, workstation activities, interactive games and lots of singing and dancing. On Monday we learnt about numbers using sandcastles, Miss Howarth made 1 sandcastle, 2 sandcastles and 3 sandcastles and then we all took it in turns to knock them down. On Tuesday Miss Troughton made a handprint from foam, we all decorated it with different coloured glitter and then made our own handprints by painting our hands with our favourite coloured paint. On Wednesday and Thursday we learnt all about emotions. Miss Howarth revealed different emotions by painting over a piece of paper with different colours. We all tried to make the different emotions on our own faces. Finally on Friday it was jeans for genes day and we all got to wear our own clothes. We learnt about how we are all different by reading a story, painting a rainbow, decorating some giant jeans and putting different coloured hair onto a picture of our own heads. For our regulation time we have all been taking part in relaxation, walks around the track and using the climbing frame. We also did a super fun story massage, we went all around the world on a magic carpet like Aladdin! Our star of the week this week is LeBron for super listening to instructions and taking part in our group sessions, what a superstar! Well done Maple Class for a super 2nd week!