Different Families, Same Love in Oak Class
This week Oak Class have been learning all about different families, same love. On Monday we read ‘The Family Book’ and drew our own families. We spoke to each other about who is in our families. We spoke about our Mums, Dads, Grandads, Grandmas, Brothers and Sisters. Isla and Harvey wrote on their pictures to label who they had drawn. On Tuesday Miss Woods did an attention autism as a group activity. We made houses from paint and different shapes. We then took it in turns to choose a picture with a different colour of the rainbow on the back. Each of these had a different pictures of a different type family. Toby turned over a picture of Mum with 2 children. Isla chose a picture with 2 grandparents with 2 children and Harvey chose a picture of a Mum and a Dad with 2 children. We then went off and painted our own house choosing the remainder of the families to put in the houses. Harvey painted a house and chose 2 Dad’s and their children to live inside and then one with his own family. Isla painted a house with a Dad and his children and Toby painted his own family. On Wednesday we read the book ‘Picnic in the Park.’ This was a book about lot’s of families coming together for a big picnic. We spoke about how all the families were different, we saw some had 2 Dad’s, some had 2 Mum’s, some had a Mum and a Dad and lots more. We set our own picnic up with blankets and food, we enjoyed Strawberries, Pancakes and chocolate pastries. Throughout the week we’ve also made rainbows, we had a Team’s call on Tuesday with Miss Troughton and some of our friends who are learning from home. Miss Troughton put tissue paper along cups and different coloured paint with water and we watched as the tissue paper changed colour into a rainbow. Miss Armstrong and the pupils in class then made a lovely rainbow to stick on our window. We’ve also been enjoying forest schools this week, Harvey, Isla and Toby have been in the Forest making dens with big sticks. We had lots of fun. Isla and Miss Curry got very muddy when falling over in the mud but it was very funny!
Beech class hungry caterpillar week 1
Beech class hungry caterpillar - week 1
Rainbows in Beech class
Beech class rainbow