Dear Parents & Carers

I am writing to ask for your help, we are currently putting in a bid for funding to Adactus Housing.

The aim of the bid is to put in an accessible pathway which will connect all of our wonderful outdoor learning areas, e.g. Forest School Areas, Polytunnel and cycle track.

As you know lots of our children at school can sometimes struggle physically and access currently is via the field, which given our typical wet weather makes accessing the areas difficult.

Mr Massey and the other Forest School Leaders have put together a bid and recently met with representatives from Adactus Housing.

During discussions it became clear that the chances of our bid being successful would be greatly enhanced if we were able to demonstrate to Adactus Housing that this project was having an impact on their residents.

With that in mind, I was hoping that any parents and carers that are Adactus or Jigsaw Housing residents would let me know, we can then add this information to the bid.

Please rest assured they do not need any personal information, just numbers of pupils that live in their residences.

If you could help, I would greatly appreciate it.

An email/ text is also being sent to all parents / carers which you will be able to respond to.  Please can you let me know by Friday 7 February 2020.

Kindest regards


Mr Welsh