Chorley In Bloom Awards Night
Last night was a chance for the former 11R pupils to return to represent Astley Park School again. We were invited by Chorley in Bloom to Chorley Town Hall to receive awards of appreciation for the work they have done over the year.
During their work with Chorley in Bloom, Pupils were…
Summer Fair Saturday 17th June 2023
On Saturday 17th June 2023 we hosted our annual summer fair!
We are proud to say we raised over £2752! And we still have a final few amounts coming through! This was the most we have ever raised at an event! Thank you so much to all the families and staff who attended and helped us achieve this…
Halloween Pumpkin Competition
Congratulations to Class 7P who are the winners of our Halloween Pumpkin competition. Mr Welsh and Mrs Millard were our judges for today and had a difficult decision due to the fantastic effort classes had made.
Mr Welsh presented 7P class and all the other classes with some lovely halloween…
Headteacher’s Blog - Secondary Rewards Visit - Escape - Spring Term 1 - 2020
I had the pleasure of taking our Secondary Phase 'Golden Ticket' winners on their reward visit today.
Pupils enjoyed ten-pin bowling at the new 'Escape' venue in Chorley followed by lunch at McDonalds.
As always; it is such a pleasure to be able to lead these visits and spend some quality…
Headteacher's Blog - Primary Rewards Trip - Spring Term 1 2020
Primary Phase pupils enjoyed their Spring Term 1 reward visit to Cheeky Monkeys on Wednesday 12th February 2020.
As always, it is such a pleasure to be able to lead these visits and spend some quality time with pupils. It’s wonderful to see them out of the school environment, having fun, making…
Headteacher's Blog - Adactus Housing
Dear Parents & Carers
I am writing to ask for your help, we are currently putting in a bid for funding to Adactus Housing.
The aim of the bid is to put in an accessible pathway which will connect all of our wonderful outdoor learning areas, e.g. Forest School Areas, Polytunnel and cycle…
Headteacher's Welcome Back Blog
Happy New Year to you all
Hi Everyone
Welcome Back
I hope you all enjoyed the festive break and that the new year is going well for you all so far.
The children have all settled back into school and have all enjoyed seeing their friends and sharing their stories from the…
Headteacher's End of Term Blog - December 2019
Hello Everyone
As we approach the end of the first term, I do so with a great deal of pride as we reflect on the many achievements this term.
We have welcomed new staff and pupils to the school, and I am incredibly proud of how well they have settled in and the positive impact they have…