Hello everyone and welcome back to Summer term in class 8G!


I hope you are all staying safe and keeping well. It is always nice to hear from you and see lots of photos and videos that Mums and Dads have been sending.


I have been chatting with Mrs Down, Mrs England and Miss Aindow and they have been telling me what they have been doing while they haven’t been in school. Keep an eye out for our staff blog, I will post it later today.


Let’s have a look at what you have all been up to…


Thomas has been making the most of the gorgeous weather and has been spending lots of time outside on his trampoline. Mum tells me that Dad has been being Thomas’s personal DJ and playing his favourite music at his request, while Thomas is bouncing around. Thomas has been practicing building teen numbers using the Numicon which is great work, well done Thomas! He has also been practicing reading and writing his sight-reading words too. Thomas has been enjoying playing games with Mum and Dad, usually involving lots of chasing and tickling, and playing on his arcade game too. His favourite film to watch at the moment is Finding Dory and he has been making videos of himself using his iPad too. Super work, Thomas!


Skye has been getting out and about on her bike every day (and dragging Mum along too!). She enjoyed Easter and got lots of Easter eggs, as you can see on her photos. Skye has also been perfecting a new talent at home too… playing darts! What a great new talent, Skye!


Rose has been keeping busy over the Easter break. She has enjoyed doing some artwork, take a look at her beautiful creations. I love the under the sea picture. Rose has also been doing some baking with Mum, making yummy looking chocolate buns- I hope you’ve saved me one Rose! As well as playing games on Education City and Purple Mash too. Keep up the good work, Rose!


Nicola has had a good rest over the last two weeks. Mum and Dad say that she is excited to meet Mrs Down again, once we are back in school. Keep making good choices at home, Nic! I know you can do it.


Jake has been working hard on Purple Mash and Education City. He has enjoyed making his own pictures on MiniMash, as well as lots of talking about baby animals and building a farm to show Mum. He has been completing the puzzles and memory games too. He has been getting his daily exercise in and helping Mum by taking the dogs for a walk. Jake has been learning how to make a cup of tea for himself and is able to do this without any prompts from Mum- brilliant self-help and independence skills, Jake!


Francesca has been practicing even more writing these last two weeks! Mum says she is very keen to do lots of writing, this is wonderful to read! She has been playing lots of Orchard Toys games with Mum, as well as enjoying some Meg and Mog books too. Super work, Francesca!


Daisy has been very busy over the Easter hols. Just look at all the things she has been up to! Daisy loves books so Mum has been theming her activities around her favourite books that she has been reading. They have read Rainbow Fish and Room on the Broom too. Daisy and Mum have been watching our daily activity videos from the Astley Park YouTube channel, then having a go at the activities at home too. They have been making different shapes using sticks and twigs found in the garden and some string too, Daisy has been learning how to tie knots to keep the twigs together- great fine motor practice! She has been writing her name using things that she has found in the garden too, a perfect activity for this beautiful weather that we have been having. And in the middle of all those exciting activities, they squeezed in a good old Easter egg hunt and some Easter themed activities too. Wow Daisy, what a busy girl you have been!


Charlie’s Mum sent me lots of photos showing me what he has been getting up to at home with his family. He has been practicing using the Numicon to add numbers together, as well as over-writing of his sight-reading words. Charlie enjoyed an Easter egg hunt on Easter Sunday, just look at all the Easter eggs he got! He has been doing lots of exercise with him Mum and brothers and has even been being Chef Charlie and making his own pizza! Brilliant work, Charlie!


And last, but by no means least, Ben. Ben has been doing lots of baking this week. He has made cookies and delicious looking buns too. Ben also made a pizza at home- seeing all these pizzas are making me feel very hungry! Ben has been playing games on Education City and Purple Mash. He has also been enjoying getting out of the house for his daily exercise and has been spotting animals in the fields near his house. Great work, Ben!


Mrs England was in school last week so it was her turn to decide who was 8G’s Star of the Week…




Rose! She chose Rose because she was so impressed with Rose’s fabulous art work last week, as well as her super baking skills. Well done Rose! I wonder who will be Star of the Week this week?


Our new theme- Great British Bake Off starts today as it is now Summer term. I will be emailing parents with Week 1 and 2 activities for you to try at home. Please take lots of photos and videos and send them to me and Mrs Down so we can include them in our blog on Friday.


And finally, Mrs Down starts her new job today, working across both Year 8 classes. She is very excited to meet you all once we are back in school and will be getting in touch with you all this week to say hello and introduce herself.


Have a brilliant week and stay safe!


Mrs Fisher, Mrs Down, Mrs England and Miss Aindow