3 Jul

Key Stage 4 Escape Room and Camping

Well, it feels like a very long time ago now, but on Friday 21st June a group of Year 10 and 11 learners had the very exciting opportunity to take part in an escape room activity and then camp on the school field over night.
We started the fun by erecting the tents (which is much more complicated…

28 Jun

11G Summer Week 10- busiest week ever!

Phew, what a crazy couple of weeks we’ve had in 11G! Hoping that everyone has a well deserved rest this weekend. You’ll be pleased to hear, these last two weeks of school will be a bit less hectic. 


On Monday morning we were swimming at Hindley as usual. This week was a special themed…

14 Jun

11G Summer Week 8

Well what a strange this week has turned out to be! As I’m writing this, we are down to just 4 weeks left in 11G!!!


On Monday morning we were off to swimming at Hindley. We have a new teacher now who is lovely and she put us through our paces to get lots of lengths in. Mrs Fisher and Mr…

7 Jun

11G- beginning of last half term at Astley Park

Welcome back to our final ever half term as 11G at Astley Park! It has been another fun filled week and as you will have heard, we have lots of fun things coming up over the next 6 weeks before it is time to bid farewell to everyone. 


On Monday morning, Mrs Cobham wasn’t in school as she…

2 May

11G Summer Week 3

Hello all, you join us at the end of a short week in school and we will be having another short week next week too!

On Monday morning we were off to the gym for our PE session. This week we worked in pairs against another pair of friends. The challenge was to complete 5 minutes on each piece of…

26 Apr

11G Summer Week 2

Happy Friday! We have had a very busy week this week in 11G and as of today we have less than 50 days of 11G left!

On Monday morning Mrs Cobham was needed to cover in 9P next door, so Miss Snailham very kindly offered to come into school for an extra day to cover for Mrs Cobham. We all went to…

19 Apr

11G First Week Back of our Last Ever Term!

Welcome back to our final term for 11G at Astley Park School! How crazy does that sound?! We hope that everyone had a lovely Easter break. We are all raring to go for our last term. 


On Monday morning we welcomed everyone back to class. As I mentioned in my email before we came back, the…

28 Mar

11G Last Week of Spring Term

Apologies for our lack of blog posts recently, here is one to end this term with. Only one term left at Astley Park for 11G after these holidays.


On Monday morning we took the time to catch up on what everyone had got up to at the weekend. We used this as part of our speaking and listening…

26 Mar

11G Spring Raffle Draw- Prize Winners

A HUGE thankyou to everyone who bought raffle tickets to help us raise money for our prom. We drew the raffle on Thursday and the winners were Danny, Katie, Mrs Mahood, Lily and Josh.


Thankyou to Tesco, Morrisons, Booths and Asda in Chorley who donated the prizes and Miss Brown who…

8 Mar

11G Week 8 Spring Term- Careers Week and World Book Day

This week it has been Career’s Week AND World Book Day, so we have been very busy!

On Monday morning, it was time for our Entry Level Functional Maths exams for some of our learners. The remainder of 11G and 11R pupils congregated together in 11G’s classroom for some speaking and listening…

1 Mar

11G Week 7 Spring Term

It has been another great week in 11G this week and we are all thrilled to have Miss Greenwood back in class with us!


On Monday morning we continued our Maths work on shape ready for our Personal Progress portfolios whilst those working towards their entry level exams worked on some…

24 Feb

11G Week 6 Spring term

We hope that everyone had a nice half term. It has been lovely to see everyone this week!

On Monday morning we worked in pairs to create some thank you cards to give to the supermarkets Asda, Booths, Morrisons and Tesco for very generously donating prizes for our Valentine’s Disco before half…