So here we are at the end of another “learning from home” week, time seems to be whizzing by at the moment (I do think the sunny weather helps!).
On Monday, I emailed out some activities that linked to our new book, Kitchen Disco, for you to have a go at while you are all learning from home. So let’s have a look what you have all been getting up to…
First up this week is Nicola. I have actually seen Nicola this week to drop off her printed activities (I stood at the end of her drive and waved). Mum says she is being really helpful at home, helping Mum around the house. Nicola has been practicing her sight-reading, learning the names of the Pops Family characters, as well as writing the names too. Mum sent me a video of Nicola saying how much she is missing all of her friends in 8G and that she has been keeping busy by making her own pizza, which was delicious! Keep up the good work, Nicola!
Next is Rose. Mum tells me Rose has been playing outside in the garden lots this week (and why not, when the weather is like this?). She even sent me a photo of Rose in her hot tub in the garden! I am very jealous. Rose has been working hard on Education City and Purple Mash again this week. Have a look at the delicious fruit basket that she has designed! She has been practicing her writing using key words from Kitchen Disco and has been writing her numbers too. Rose has also been working on simple addition sums, using the counters in her Numicon pack to help her. Super work, Rose!
What about Skye? Skye has been getting creative and has been helping to paint the bench in her garden in lovely bright colours! I told Mum how much Skye enjoyed playing with the coloured rice that we had in class, so Mum and Skye have had a go at making their own at home this week. She has been trying activities on Purple Mash and is continuing to practice her hand-eye-coordination skills by playing darts. Great work, Skye!
Ben has been super busy at home. He has been working really hard on his maths work while he has been learning from home. Dad has set up a private YouTube channel for Ben so that they can share videos of his work with me, what a brilliant idea! I have loved seeing videos of Ben this week. Ben has been ordering numbers and removing objects from a set in his number work. Mum also sent me a video of Ben singing along to the Kitchen Disco song on YouTube too. Brilliant work, Ben!
Daisy has had a very busy week again this week. Mum sent me a video of Daisy’s gross motor fruit themed exercise routine- wow! I was so impressed with Mum and Daisy’s routine. Daisy has been mark making in icing sugar, playing on Education City and Purple Mash, and has been practicing removing objects from a set in her Maths work, using fruit to help her. Daisy had a go at Mr Massey’s Cheerio Tower video on YouTube and had a try at home. Mum said they had lots of fun trying to build a tower together, Daisy was really concentrating and trying to get it as tall as possible without the spaghetti snapping. Daisy made her own fruit tree picture, as one of her My Creativity activities and then used the fruit that she printed with to make her own lemon tree picture using things from around the garden-how creative! Daisy and Mum made a person out of fruit, and Daisy was helping mum to name the body parts on her picture. She has been using the Colourful Semantics to comment on what is happening in the pictures from our Kitchen Disco book too. What amazing work, Daisy!
Jake has been spending time outside while the weather has been so lovely. Mum tells me he has been practicing writing his sight-reading words and has been doing some simple addition using the Numicon shapes. Mum sent me some photos of Jake helping out around the house too! He has been helping with the ironing and pegging out the washing as well. I am very impressed with your self-help and independence skills Jake- keep it up!
Francesca has been doing lots of reading and writing again this week. She has been working on her reading comprehension so Mum has been asking her lots of questions about the stories that she has read. She has been doing simple add sums using the Numicon shapes to help and has enjoyed playing on Education City and Purple Mash again. Wonderful work, Francesca!
Last but by no means least, Charlie! Charlie has had a super week at home. He played hide and seek with his sight-reading words and had to find the words around his garden. This sounds like lots of fun! He has been watching Mrs Powell’s videos of her reading the sight-reading books too. Charlie has been enjoying getting out of the house for some exercise and has been enjoying the lovely weather by playing on his trampoline a lot. He completed my My Community challenge that I set the class, by finding all of the kitchen equipment on the list that I sent to him, well done, Charlie! He has been practicing his simple addition sums using the Numicon, and built a Lego car with his brother. Charlie has enjoyed watching Miss Robertson’s My Thinking and Problem Solving video and has made his own breakfast this week. Finally, Charlie has made flapjack too! What a busy week, Charlie!
Thank you to you all for keeping in touch with me during these strange times. It is always so nice to hear from you and see what your children have been getting up to at home.
I can’t forget about our Star of the Week can I??
8G’s Star of the Week for this week is…
Ben! As you will have read before, Ben has been working incredibly hard at home on his 1:1 counting skills. The videos that I have seen this week confirm to me just how much progress he is making at home and we are all so proud of him! Fantastic work, Ben. Keep it up!
Have a lovely weekend. Me and Mrs Down look forward to hearing from you all next week!
Mrs Fisher and Mrs Down
Julia Hitchen
24 April 2020
Great work 8G! It’s so lovely to see everyone enjoying the sunshine. Daisy signs “hello” to all her friends. Take care everyone and stay safe.
Lisa Ford
24 April 2020
Good work 8G, You have all been working very Hard. Francesca cannot wait to see you all again, she is missing you all very much.xx