Wow 11G! I have had a bumper response this week and heard from most of you in some way or another. These been some much work sent it actually won’t fit in one blog!
I set both functional maths skills challenges along with MADD week activities and there’s been a lot of work and creativity from our learners, so I better get started!
Josh’s Week
Josh has taken on my functional Maths skills challenges this week! I had asked him to practice counting and spotting numbers in his environment. He has done some excellent wildlife counting in his garden and spotted the weights of food items in his kitchen!
To participate in MADD week Josh showed us his absolutely fantastic art skills by drawing and colouring a brilliant tiger!
Josh that is a fine picture. Well done!
Taybah’s Week
Well Taybah has shown some fantastic daily living skills this week by recreating Mrs Mahoods brownie baking. I was delighted to see Taybah using appliances such as an electric whisk and gas hob independently and safely. Well done Taybah! I know the rest of the team will agree, those brownies look delicious and it was ace seeing you cook in amazing unicorn style.
Keep up the good work Taybah!
Patrick’s Week
Patrick has been busy working on his maths skills. He sent me a video of him counting way past 100 with out mistakes and thus remains the 11G counting champion! Well done Patrick!
You would think doing all that counting that Patrick would need a rest?! But instead Patrick has got involved in the MADD week activities. He watched the school YouTube channel and then took inspiration and made his own cassanettes showing excellent ruler, measuring, drawing and cutting skills. Once he made his cassanettes he put them to good use by listening to some traditional Spanish vibes and having a dance. When I watched the video, it reminded me so much of when we dance in class to get our engines ready to learn and had a little dance myself!
Patrick you have shown super all round art skills.
Tanay’s Week
Tanay has been hard at work again. Like Patrick he has been immersing himself in MADD week along with continuing to consolidate his Maths and English skills. First he wrote all the numbers to 50 and then while keeping active and doing his exercise routines he counted to 100! Super counting Tanay.
Tanay and family then showed us their strictly come dancing skills with some Bollywood dancing, It was great to see the whole family getting involved. High five to the Kaura Dance Troup!
Like Patrick you might think that Tanay would need a rest after all this but no! Tanay then continued to be creative in MADD week by practicing his amazing drumming talents. I saw a great clip of Tanay tapping out the beat to staying alive by the Bee Gees and for the second time this week I started dancing at my laptop station.
Superb Effort Tanay!
Adam’s Week
Adam has been in touch again. He has continued to help out around the house and has practiced his counting skills by counting all his wrestling figures! He has sent me a picture of them neatly displayed. Great counting Adam! I think I will test all your maths skills now 11G fans so comment below with the answers:
- How many wrestlers are in Adams picture?
- If you double them how many wrestlers will there be?
- Who is Adams favourite wrestler?
Patrick Wilson
1 May 2020
I’ve loved looking what everyone’s been up to! A. 9
B. Together with mum we’ve worked out 18 is double 9
C. Shotgun?
Mr Massey
1 May 2020
Great Math's work Patrick! You have got two of the answers correct! Lets see if anyone can match or better your score. I'll post all the answer later
Mr Massey
1 May 2020
The answers are:
A) 9
C) The Undertaker