Welcome back 9R!! It is so lovely to have you all back in class and you have settled amazingly well back into school life. Here is what the class have said about being reunited with each other...
Rebecca - I’m happy to see all of my friends and play with them.
Thomas- I have missed all of my friends and it is nice to see them in person and not on a screen.
Sam - I enjoy seeing all of my friends in person and being able to chat with them.
Malachi - I’m happy to be back to see my friends.
Cordell - I’m glad I can say hi and play with them and it’s nice to have a break from my Xbox.
Michael - I’m happy to have fun, play with everyone and talk to each other.
Callum - I’m happy I can talk to my friends.
Tyler - I’m happy to be back so I can do some maths and see my friends.
Faith - I’m glad I can see all of my friends and play with them.
Sarah- I don’t feel lonely anymore, I’m so happy to be back with my friends.
Robyn- I’ve missed my friends and I’m glad they’re all back.
Lewis - I’m happy to see friends.
Brilliant reasons everyone, it is lovely to have you all back in class, you are all superheroes in our eyes!