World book day in Willow class!
Willow class enjoyed celebrating world book day both in school and from home this year.
The children in school talked about our favourite books and how they made us feel when we read them. We told our friends what they are about so that our friends could decide if they would like to try reading them too. We found out that we all likes books that had a nice ending or made us laugh. Some of us even like spooky books that make us feel a little bit scared when we are reading them. We then looked at what we would put in a book if we could design our own book where we chose the characters, settings and events, drawing a cover for our own perfect book.
Later Luca and Hasan joined us on teams to listen to a new book for our zoo theme and to have a go at story-auctioning! The children had to decide on an action for key words on each page so we could act out the book. We had great fun and were very tired afterwords!
Olivia did some amazing work at home with mum, looking at the queen of hearts from Alice in wonderland. Have a look at the amazing jam tarts she baked after reading the story. We think she would be great on the great British bake-off!
Well done to Daniel our star of the week for his beautiful writing! We all can’t wait to be back together with everyone next week!