We have enjoyed a wonderful week in 11G , catching up with our friends and classmates and doing lots of fabulous activities.

At the the beginning of the week we began to learn all about woodland habitats, we watched a video about woodland creatures, what they eat and where they like to sleep and we had some very lively discussions on the topic where we learnt lots from each other. 
We learnt that there are so many different types of woodland animals and creatures such as deer, foxes, owls and caterpillars to name but a few.  We also carried on putting pictures of woodland animals and interesting facts into our animal encyclopaedia’s using book creator.

During our Attention Autism session Ms Lea carried on from last weeks session and talked about planting bulbs. We once again watched as a bulb was planted correctly and we remembered that bulbs and flower seeds need water and light to enable them to grow.

Each pupil then chose their own bulb and pot. One group decided themselves which pot was the best size for one bulb and they decided that the smaller pot was the best size and then both groups took turns using compost to plant their own bulb and water it. Names were put onto the pots and they were placed on a table where hopefully they will very soon begin to grow. 
We talked about how the compost will need to be kept damp but not soaked and we also talked about the different types of things which can be grown, flowers, fruit and vegetables. 

A few days later the Attention Autism session was followed on by us working in the poly tunnel, we all worked very hard pulling up weeds from the raised beds in preparation for planting seeds and bulbs and we  threw the weeds onto a compost. Forks and trowels were used to dig up some of the weeds and we pulled others up using our hands.

We all wore the correct clothing for gardening, gardening gloves, boots and overalls/ waterproof jackets to protect our clothes and also to keep our hands and feet safe. 

As well as pulling up weeds we also saw a family of large spiders and some ladybirds and we talked about how the weeds and soil was their habitat...we were very careful not to hurt the mini beasts. 

This project is part of ASDAN accreditation and we will be working on it every week until the summer.

Back in class and we got very busy making Mother’s Day cards and truffles to go home for mums and carers...this was great fun and both the cards and truffles looked spectacular once finished and we are sure the truffles will taste as good as they look. 

During our Friday morning celebration assembly our whole class received star of the week for having a wonderful first week back together...we are proud of the whole class. 

Have a lovely Mother’s Day weekend. Ms Lea.