Year 11 Sponsored swim
On Thursday 31 March our Year 11 pupils and some staff will be taking part in a Sponsored Swim- We have been practicing and perfecting our swimming techniques over the last few weeks at Brinscall Swimming Baths!
And also collecting sponsors from our families and friends! We are swimming as a…

Beech class world book day
Beech class had a fun world book day. We bounced on the bouncy castle and knocked over the towers in the hall. We listened to the sensory story of the 3 little pigs and loved blowing the straw house down. We dressed up and played in straw, and bricks as well as having a pig sensory tray. What a…

11g Birthday celebration 17th December
We celebrated a 16th birthday today in class . 11g had cake and watched our friend open his present.
11g have had a very busy term and are looking forward to visit from Father Christmas at home.
The staff team would like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and thank you for your…

A Christmas fun filled morning in 11G
Well that was a really festive morning in 11G!
We started with a huge breakfast- the selection included croissants, pancakes, brioche buns, waffles, toast, cereal and fruit- washed down with luxury hot chocolate with cream and mallows.
Goodness me we were so full that we could hardly move-…

Reverse Advent with 11G
Alongside our usual chocolate Advent calendar- this year Mrs McShane and all of us in 11G decided that we would do something a little bit different- we came up with an idea to help people in our local community by making a donation of foods and toiletries to our local food bank, we are…

10R Star of the Week 19th November
Congratulations to this weeks Star of the Week for giving appropriate responses to positive feedback - well done, everyone in 10R is very proud of you.

Odd Sock Day in 11G
On Monday 15 November all of us in 11G celebrated Odd Sock Day!
Odd Sock Day is a National Annual event celebrating what makes us unique!
It is celebrated at the beginning of Friendship week.

Children in Need fun in 11G
What a fun filled day we’ve had in 11G- celebrating Children in Need 2021!
We started off by researching exactly what Children in Need actually means- it was quite emotional- and made us all realise how lucky we all are!
We created Pudsey masks, bookmarks, and completed a reflective…

Chestnut Class - Bonfire Night
On Friday Chestnut Class enjoyed exploring bonfire night and fireworks through colours, artwork, Attention Autism and food. We have been focussing on using our fabulous communication skills throughout our learning to engage, make choices and comment on our own learning. We created firework…

Chestnut Class learning- A rhyme in time - Incy Wincy Spider
This half term we are learning traditional rhymes through play, songs and Attention Autism. This week we have been enjoying Incy Wincy Spider and retelling the story through play. During Attention Autism Stage 3 we explored taking turns to pour blue rice down a drain pipe to ‘wash the spider out’…

Diwalli in Chestnut Class
This week in Chestnut Class we have been learning about Diwalli and the Festival of Light through Attention Autism, music, food, creating Diyas and expressive art. During Attention Autism Stage 1 we enjoyed looking at all the lights and coloured ribbons and during Stage 2 Miss Spear created a…

Our Leavers Hoodies have arrived!
We had a lovely surprise today- we have all been waiting patiently- and today- it finally happened! Our Leavers 22 Hoodies arrived! We couldn’t wait to try them on, we all felt (and looked) very important, smart and grown up! We definitely stand out from the crowd!
A massive Thank You to…