This week 11G have been busy learning about the life cycle of a frog which has run alongside our learning about how caterpillars develop.
Using the interactive whiteboard we learnt that first of all there is frogspawn which looks like little round bits of jelly each with a tiny black dot inside, the next stage is when the tiny black spots actually turn into black wriggling tadpoles before turning into froglets, which look like baby frogs but still with the long tadpole tail and finally they turn into fully grown frogs who then spawn frogspawn and so the cycle once again begins...fascinating to learn about this kind of life cycle and 11G also did some fabulous cutting and sticking activities and then made their own picture using crafts to show the different parts of the life cycle.
Our very own class caterpillars turned into chrysalis at the beginning of the week so we then, dry carefully, placed them out of the tub and into a butterfly net to wait for them to hatch into beautiful butterflies which we can then set free in a ( hopefully ) warm sunny day. This transformation should happen between seven to fourteen days and we are all very excited about it.
We have also been talking about the whisper app on our school website. Nathan, as our class digital leader, joined in with a teams meeting with a teacher and some other pupils to learn more about this app and then he helped to explain it to the rest of the class..well done Nathan.
The whisper app is at the bottom of the Astley Park website page and is available for pupils to report anything which may be concerning or worrying them. This can be done anonymously or with your name on and will be looked at by senior management then passed onto the class team if appropriate.
Nathan also explained that all staff are available to listen to concerns on a daily basis and that pupils should always remember to speak to a trusted adult.
We have done lots of work this week during maths, we have used the Topmarks app on the interactive whiteboard to learn more about sorting and sequencing. We put shapes into the correct places according to colour or shape...quite tricky to do and you all did really well.
Once again we have been using real money in our little snack cafe and we have been able to buy a variety of items for our snack including toast, crumpets, tea , hot chocolate and juice.
Two pupils have written the orders down after asking each child what they would like and then staff helped to sort out the correct money and change while Ms Lea cooked the snack items.
This is a brilliant real life way of learning about the value of money and also in making our own decisions about what we would like to eat.
It has been a fairly wet week but at times we have managed to dodge the showers and rain to spend time on the very popular climbing frame, walk around the track and even have a quick game of rounders and tag rugby.
James got Star of the week on Friday during our celebration assembly...for writing independently perfect sentences about the life cycle of a frog. Well done James.
This coming week is mental health awareness week and we will be spending some time learning about this through fun interactive activities, games and chats within class.
Take care everyone . Ms Lea. X