This week it has been rather a wet week with lots of rain and not many blue skies but 11G have had a great week as usual and managed to dodge the rain on quite a few occasions.
At the start of the week we took a chance and had a game of tag rugby out on the school field, this was great fun with lots of running around and we had a few games before the huge black cloud decided to open up and we all ran inside .
Most days we have dodged the rain for walks around the track and we have played with balls in our football cage...the rain has never been far away though so we have always worn our outdoor coats and waterproofs. We always enjoy going outside and we have lots of fun.
One day we were happily surprised when the sun did manage to peep out from between the clouds for a couple of hours so we took the opportunity to take pencils and paper outside along with various items to try our hand at drawing around the shadows. We tried to outrun our own shadow but found that it was impossible of course...it made us laugh though.
Before drawing around the shadows outside we joined in with a lesson learning all about where shadows come from, we looked at shadows cast by a torch and a lamp and saw the difference between long and short shadows caused by the sun depending on the time of the day.
We have been doing lots of maths work this week, we have been learning all about place values, multiplication and sorting within our groups. Everyone has worked really hard on this subject and there have been lots of fabulous answers.
During English some pupils have been learning about using pre-fixes, such as lucky and unlucky, happy and unhappy. This was such a very interesting lesson and lots of new things were learnt during it.
Some of the other pupils spent a lot of time this week going over the sight reading Pop Family series and answering questions about the characters in the stories.
This morning we carried on learning all about different forms of energy that are around us such as natural energy like the sun and wind, solar panels that are sometimes seen on houses and wind turbines that are seen dotted around the countryside on occasion.
We then made our very own pin wheels using cut out diagrams, we coloured them on both sides then carefully cut the diagram out before Mrs Powell helped to stick the corners together onto long straws and hey presto...our own pin wheels that can turn in the wind.
Actually assembling the pin wheels was a bit trickier than we thought it would be but Mrs Powell persevered and got there in the end...well done Mrs Powell.
We also let our butterflies fly free, not on the school field in the sun as we had hoped but inside the poly tunnel in the hope that they stay dry and survive.
Have a good weekend. Ms Lea