9G on Safari
Our topic this half term in 9G is Safari Animals.
We listened to the sounds of some different Safari animals.
Some of the learners copied the sounds.
We have been learning facts about loins, giraffes, cheetahs, zebras, elephants and monkeys.
9G did a lesson outside, all about turn taking and trying different activities . Staff set up different areas, bikes, football, ball and chalks. The learners took turns in the different areas, even if they really didn’t want to go and try the different activity they had a go. Fantastic turn taking everyone.
As our topic this term is Safari the pupils made different masks of the Safari animals. We also learnt the different Safari animals signs. They have learnt the sign for gorilla, elephant, monkey, giraffe, snake and zebra, hippo and crocodile.
This came in very handy as when Mrs Mahood came into class on Wednesday morning . She showed us a video of a song that included a flea, a monkey and an elephant. 9G did good remembering of their signs and followed the videos signing.
In PE, we continued the safari theme . 9G took turns in picking cards which had safari animals on and how that animal would move. The learners then used their bodies to communicate how that animal moved.
We used our problem solving skills to finish a jigsaw. The jigsaw showed us lots of different animals and where they come from and can be found. We also used our problem solving skills to cut and stick and find the missing piece of animals.
In communication we made our very own safari. Some of 9G worked in pairs, showing how to do go sharing and turn taking whilst others worked on their own.
9G did good cutting out and labelled their pictures.
We can’t wait to carry learning more about these animals.