This week 7 a have explored maths through sensory exploration in gelli bath . They searched for numicon to use as visual supports for simple addition questions. The children worked really well together then worked independently and in small groups . 

In English this week the children have used their iPads using book creator to write biography’s about people of interest to them . They was able to use different searches to find the information and photos to use in their books. Amazing work 7a ! 
Later in the week the children looked at predictions and had a go at some of their own predictions when looking though some scenarios. They was able to answer questions like ‘what do you think ?’ And ‘why do you think that’ .

The pupils in 7a used different ways to answer the questions ,typing ,voice recorded notes and added full stops and capital letters . 

The children did some super swimming on Thursday and all staff are super proud ! 

On Friday we celebrated Joseph’s birthday in class. Mum very kindly sent in pass the parcel , cake  and treats for all the children and staff . As you can see he had the best birthday party ! Hope you enjoy sing 2 at the cinema with your family tonight ! 

Have a lovely weekend and stay safe ! 

Mr Massey , Mrs Smith , Mrs Lane , Mrs Scambler and Mr Crew