7 Jun

Rowan class visit the pet shop !

This week Rowan class have been very lucky to visit the pet shop.  Some children travelled via the mini bus and some children used their road safety knowledge and put it to work on the walk there. 
The children enjoyed looking at all of the different animals and talked about the animals different…

24 Jan

Super sycamore !

On Monday group 2 went swimming. We are so proud of the achievements of group 2 this week . All of the children got in the pool and have shown us confidence and so much willing . The children did some super scooping with arms , kicking and blowing bubbles in the water. 
In maths we have continued…

18 Jan

Snow day in sycamore class !

On Tuesday we arrived at school to a beautiful white blanket of snow. 
We could not miss this opportunity to give our children a range of experiences. 
The children did some brilliant team work , using good communication skills , taking turns to build the most fabulous snowman . 
In maths we…

21 Dec

Breakfast with Santa in sycamore class !

What a wonderful morning . Yummy breakfast treats followed by a visit from Santa and his elf! 
sycamore children could hear his bells ringing as he landed. 

When he arrived in class the children sat beautifully and waited patiently for him to call their name.

All the children sat next to…

14 Dec

Week 7 ! Do you want to build a snowman in sycamore !

This week in Sycamore we have been working on road safety and staying safe whilst in the community . The class took a trip out on Tuesday to Astley Park. Whilst some amazing learning took place we also had lots of fun and a play on the park. 

On Wednesday it was Christmas dinner day for…

13 Nov

Super sycamore week 3 !

This week the children have looked at the qualities in a good friend and together built a friendship wall . We then created a beautiful friendship wreath for our classroom door to show we are all different and each have our own qualities. 
In our lesson with Mrs Lane this week we started a new…

13 Nov

Sycamore week 2 !

What a busy week in sycamore ! 

The children have discussed the events of bonfire and re created their very own firework display using paints and different techniques for their art. They explored splatting , blowing , dripping and finger painting for their display piece. 
Miss Molloy lead a…

3 Nov

Sycamore class celebrate Halloween !

A short week in school. We are so proud of how the children have come in and focussed this week with the disruption at the start of the week. We have enjoyed some fun activities designing and creating our very own pumpkins. The children explored the insides by smelling and feeling the pumpkin…

17 Oct

Week 6 in Sycamore !

What a fantastic week in Sycamore. 
Super reading and phonics this week working on the ‘ee’ sound for some of our learners. 
A lovely story in our woodland outdoor space. 
The children have worked hard to follow patterns and rhythms in music this week. 
Super PE lesson on Thursday continuing…

9 Oct

Week 5 in Sycamore !

A very busy week in Sycamore class. 
A super sensory story in the tent. All of the children engaged well and did some super listening. 

During our toy box lesson we have been learning all about new and old toys. The children amazed us with how much they knew and demonstrated excellent…

25 Sep

Sycamore week 4!

This week in Sycamore we have enjoyed reading our story ‘Toys in Space’. Mrs Lane shared Toys In Space through a sensory story. The children enjoyed exploring the book before using their amazing phonics skills to build some words from the story. 
A real busy week trying super hard with our…

15 Sep

Week 2 in Sycamore!

What a busy week! This week we have been focusing on friendships and feelings. The children have made some friendship soup. The children choose what quality they like to have in a friend and we added that with some food colouring to our super friendship soup. 

We have all worked really hard…